Sunday, February 21, 2010

My 15mm Roman Legions

I've recently finished my 2 15mm Roman legions that I began to collect about 4 years ago. Many of the figures I bought already painted off e-bay from seller Bobbn867. He sells 15mm figs in lots of 48 foot. I collected these figures over time buying 1 or 2 lots whenever I had the money. During the same period I also bought several pre-painted collections of "Barbarians" Celts, Germans, Gauls, off of E-bay from various sellers. I sort of just packed them away, worked on other projects and waited for the day when I would have enough to do a couple of large armies.

About 9 months ago I finally decided to get them out, Base them to my standards and pretty up the paint jobs. Most of the figs got small touch ups, shield rims painted, and an inkwash. I based them for DBM/DBA on metal bases and then created magnetic trays to group them for rulesets such as Impetus, Vis Bellica, Armati and FOG.

I also had to paint all of the light troops and the commanders from bare metal. So far they have only seen a handful of battles but they will be seeing the tabletop at Fields of Honor in Des Moines, IA on the weekend of March 27th, if you are in the area stop by and help push them around the table.

I'll be posting pics of my Barbarians in the near future.

2 Legions Ready for review

Legions with Marching Camp

A Closer View

From the Other Direction

Reviewing the Troops

Cohort up close

Archers, Cavalry, and Psiloi

Scorpions, Cavalry, & Psiloi

Marching Camp

(Tents by Baueda)


Galpy said...

I thought that the gallic figfures above were very nice but man these romans are amazing you've done a great job and anyone can see that you've put a lot of work in.
Well done

ByTheBook said...

A very impressive collection! :D